evil mockingbird...

oh man, i just got back from my sisters graduation... luckily the sun wasn't out (it was hot as hell), and luckily it didn't rain.. win/win... anyway, during the whole two hours that we watched from outside the fence (standing the whole time) my father didn't stop yapping/complaining, now i know why we haven't gone anywhere as a family in about 15 years... oh, and my sister went the wrong way after she got her diploma... hehehe...

so anyway, there's this mockingbird in our backyard... apparently my cat attacked it about a week ago, but wasn't successful in catching it... so now almost any time my cat is in the backyard this bird will perch somewhere and squawk at him non-stop... not only that, he's been dive-bombing him, and actually clipping him in the back, he even knocked my cat off of a fence once... i'm trying to catch it on film... and i'm also trying to avenge my cat...

ps- i never want to get drunk off of wine again...


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