
Showing posts from March, 2005

work work work... (not really)

usually i get really excited when the bosses are out of town... but not lately... ive been having a hard time keeping myself occupied... i'm not sure why it seems that i have no work... cuz i do... i think... and this posting itself proves i have nothing going on... im just rambling about not having anything to do... i need a hobby... something to look forward to...


sweet jesus... i'm so bored today at work... i cant even think of anything to keep myself occupied... i wish i had CoH on my computer here... i could easily kill a few hours... i'm sure if i tried i could find something to do (work-wise)... i've already checked all my news sites like 4 times, checked teh coh site, looked into buying lots of different things and talking myself out of doing so... i really dont feel like drawing anything... i think i want to blame coffee... i think it gets me hyped up in the AM... then drops me hard in the PM... im gonna drink tea tomorrow morning i think... instead of going cold-turkey from the caffeine... ok enough of that... sooo... i finally got hired at my job as of feb 14th... finally some financial stability... now i just need to figure out what im gonna do with my life... like how long am i gonna stay in SF... how much longer can i stomach living with a complete slob... just thinking of him makes