
Showing posts from August, 2008

groundhogs day...

i think i'm stuck in some sort of timeloop. i've realized that for the past 3 days (at least) when i've left work this same guy has been parking his car in the same parking area (row of spots) in almost the same manner. and by "manner" i mean piss-poor parking job. like, backing up REALLY slowly and not quite fitting and then slowly pulling out and repeating, while the whole time blocking all the traffic behind him due to the parked trolleys in the middle of the street. it's pretty funny to watch and a pretty standard example of SF drivers. but the weird thing is that EVERY time i've left work (at different times too) i'll walk by him as his car is half out in the lane blocking traffic, like so: if he's there again tomorrow i'm gonna freak out... or maybe i'll just get in the passenger seat.

my pee is neon green...

i think it's due to the medication i was taking for the past few days. the reason i was taking medication is that when i returned my stool sample to my doctor he found some blastocystis crawling around in my poop. so hopefully (for everyone around me) after this medication runs it's course on my guts i'll stop having copious amounts of flatulence...

possibly the coolest thing i've done in my life...

was to make this sweet ringtone, well i use it more as a texttone... but yea, i get a boner every time i get a text message. i found a laser gun noise on some website, but it was kind of shitty, just one PEEWWW noise. so i took the file into audacity and duplicated it a few times, shortened some parts and added some fades. i was able to send it to my phone in a text and then save it as a ringtone. feel free to do the same if you want to...